NL*Perun's Butch Cassidy
D.o.B: 2019-01-25
NFO n 09 22
Black and white tabby blotched
SC Ice Age Tree House*ES
D. of B. 2012-04-24
NFO d 09 22
Red and white tabby blotched
Hanoi de Tsavo*ES
D. of B. 2020-04-14
Red with white tabby blotched
Gimlet de Tsavo
D.o.B : 24 / 03 / 2020
Red and white Tabby Blotched
Farah de Tsavo*ES
D.o B. :16/02/2019
NFO f s09
Black tabby blotched
Criptonita Santaella*ES
D. of B. 27/02/2015
NFO f s 09
Black and white silver tortie
Uyuni de Tsavo*ES
D. of B. 06/06/2007
NFO n 09 23
Black and white mackerel tabby
S*Vimmerskogens Gordon
D. of B. 01/02/2009
Odd eyes
NW GIP Yatta de Tsavo*ES DSM
D. of B. 13/03/2011
NW IC Fabler de Tsavo JW *ES
D. of B. 23-05-2016
Male black and white tabby blotched
Lomond de Tsavo*ES
D o B.: 21-06-2016
NFO n 03 23
Male black bicolor tabby tiger
SC Laki de Tsavo*ES JW DVM
D of B 11/09/2006
NFO n 09
Black and white female
SE*Cederskogen's Kelly Kristall
DoB: 26 / 12 / 2011
NFO n 22
Dawa de Tsavo*ES
B of D: 17/07/2013
NFO f 03
Bicolor black tortie
Tortie female house cat