Previous litters


DoB: 2024 /02/14

Out of: 

 JW Noah de Tsavo


 EMS: NFO n 09 22

Color: Black and White tabby blotched 

Criptonita Santaella*ES


EMS: NFO fs 09 

Tortie silver black and white 



Nacida / DoB: 2023-04-19



  • Litter K2
Litter K2 Tsavo cattery

D.o.B.: 2021-07-08



NL*Peruns Butch Cassidy


EMS: NFO n 03 22

Color: Black tabby Bicolor  


Farah de Tsavo*ES


EMS:NFO n 22 

Color: Black tortie tabby blotched





  • Litter J2



D.o.B.: 2021-03-24


NL*Peruns Butch Cassidy


EMS: NFO n 03 22

Color: Black tabby Bicolor    


Farah de Tsavo*ES


EMS:NFO n 22 

Color: Black tortie tabby blotched


Pedigrí / Pedigree



  • Litter i2



Nacidos / D.o.B.: 2021-03-05


NL*Peruns Butch Cassidy


EMS: NFO n 03 22

Color: Bicolor  Black tabby and white 


Criptonita Santaella*ES


EMS: NFO fs 09 

Color: Silver black tortie and white






  • Litter H2


D.o.B.: 2020-04-14



Farah de Tsavo*ES

Hembra / female

EMS:NFO n 22 

Color: Black tortie tabby blotched

D.o.B : 16 / 02 / 2019


NL*Peruns Butch Cassidy


Código EMS: NFO n 03 22

Color: Tabby negro bicolor 

D.o.B : 25/01/2019


Pedigrí / Pedigree


  • Litter G2


D.o.B.: 2020-03-24


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES


Código: EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor rojo y blanco tabby blotched


Criptonita Santaella*ES


EMS: NFO fs 09 

Color: silver black tortie  with white



  • Litter F2



D.o.B.: 2019-02-16


SE*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall


EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Black tabby blotched



PL*Mohito Ewadar's


Código: NFO a 24

Color: Blue tabby spotted


Pedigrí /Ped




  • Litter E2

D.O.B.: 2018-02-13


SE*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall


Código EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Black tabby blotched


Lomond de Tsavo*ES

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO n 03 23

Color: Black tabby mackerel bicolor


Pedigrí Ped: 



  • Litter D2



D.o.B.: 2017-07-10


Criptonita Santaella*ES

Hembra / female

Código EMS: NFO fs 09 

Color: silver black tortie  with white


CH Coll MacGregor de Tsavo*ES

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color: Bicolor black and white


Pedigrí / Ped


  • Litter C2



D.o.B.: 2016-06-21


GIC Nuba de Tsavo*ES


EMS NFO n 03 23

Color:  Bicolor black tabby mackerel


CH Coll MacGregor de Tsavo*ES

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color: Bicolor black and white


Pedigrí / Ped



  • Litter B2



D.o.B.: 2016-05-23


CH S*Vimmerskogen's Gordon

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO n 09 22

Color: Negro y Blanco Tabby Blotched


SE*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall


EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Black tabby Blotched


Pedigrí / Ped


  • Litter A2



D.o.B.: 2015-07-01


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES


EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor red and white tabby blotched



SE*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall


EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Black tabby blotched


Pedigrí / Ped

  • Litter Z



Nacidos / D.o.B.: 2015-03-17


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor rojo y blanco tabby blotched



S*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall

Hembra / female

Código EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Negro tabby blotched


Pedigrí / Ped

2014  No litters this year


  • Litter Y



D.o.B.: 2013-07-17


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES 


EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor red and white tabby blotched


SC Laki de Tsavo*ES JW DVM

Hembra  / female 

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color:  Bicolor black and white


Pedigrí / Ped

  • Litter X



Nacidos / D.o.B.: 2013-07-16


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES 

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor rojo y blanco tabby blotched


GIC Nuba de Tsavo*ES

Hembra / female

Código EMS NFO n 03 23

Color:  Bicolor black tabby mackerel with white


Pedigrí / Ped

  • Litter V



Nacidos / D.o.B.: 2013-05-31


SC Ice Age Tree House*ES 

Macho / male

Código EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Bicolor red and white tabby blotched


S*Cederskogens Kelly Kristall

Hembra / female

Código EMS: NFO n 22

Color: Black  tabby blotched


Pedigrí / Ped


2012 No litters this year


  • Litter U




D.o.B.: 2011-03-13


CH S*Vimmerskogen's Gordon


EMS: NFO n 09 22


Código EMS: NFO n

Color: Black tabbk blotched with white





  • Litter T



D.o.B.: 2011-01-20


CH S*Vimmerskogen's Gordon


EMS: NFO n 09 22

Color: Black tabbk blotched with white


NW EC SP FIN*Hoppeännän Helen of Tsavo

Hembra / female

Código EMS NFO a 09

Color: Blue and white


Pedigrí / Ped


  • Litter S


D.o.B.: 2010-03-28


CH S*Vimmerskogen's Gordon


EMS: NFO n 09 22

Color: Black Tabby Blotched with white


NW EC SP FIN*Hoppeännän Helen of Tsavo

Hembra / female

Código EMS NFO a 09

Color: Blue and white


Pedigrí / Ped


  • Litter R


D.o.B.: 2009-10-06


CH Chad de Tsavo*ES


EMS: NFO e 03 23

Color: Cream mackerel tabby with white


SC Laki de Tsavo*ES JW DVM

Hembra  / female 

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color: Bicolor black mackerel tabby


Pedigrí / Ped



  • Litter Q


Nacidos / D.o.B:  2008-11-18




GIC S*Garprickets Rob Roy

Macho / Male

Código EMS: NFO d 09 22

Color: Rojo blotched tabby con blanco


GIC Malindi dre Tsavo*ES

Hembra / Female

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color: Negra con Blanco


Pedigree / Ped



  • Litter P


Nacidos / D.o.B.: 2008-011-18


EC DK*Admiral von Schneider Felis Jubatus

Macho / Male

Código EMS: NFO n 09

Color: Blanco y negro


EC PT*Forest Spirit Katty

Hembra / Female

Código EMS: NFO n

Color:  negro sólido


Pedigrí / Ped


  • Litter O
  • Litter N


  • Litter M
  • Litter L


2000 Litter A 2006 Litters J,  K 2012 No litters 2018 Litter E2
2001 Litter B 2007 Litters L, M 2013 Litters V, X, Y 2019 Litter F2
2002 Litter C 2008 Litters N, O, P 2014 No litters  2020 Litter G2, H2
2003 Litters D, E 2009 Litters Q, R 2015 Litter Z, A2 2021 Litters I2, J2, K2
2004 Litters F, G 2010 Litter S 2016 Litter B2, C2  
2005 Litter H 2011 Litters T, U 2017 Litters D2